50th Book of 2020
People following me must be aware about how devoted I am towards Lord Vishnu and his avatars- Shri Ram and Shri Krishna. Every time I get to know about a book written on a contemporary topic taking references from their life and the ideology they have left for us to read, research and inculcate, I get my hands on it as soon as it releases. The same reason made me pick up the book titled “Krishna – The ManagementGuru” written by the author, Sunita Pant Bansal. The book discusses on various values and qualities needed for a person in Corporate or Entrepreneurial life by giving examples on how Shri Krishna carried himself in his era in about 190 pages.
The book covers around 20 chapters where each of them talks about a quality such as leadership, power, strategy, team building, communication, work-life balance, rules, stability, behaviour, decision- making, justifiable means, non-justifiable means, goals, personal growth, vision statement, karma, work etiquette, time management, greed and loyalty. I must say all these pointers chosen by the authoress are very well relevant as having 5 years of work experience, I must say all these qualities need to be there in you in order to ensure stability and peace of mind at work.
Bansal has chosen very simple language to explain her interpretations to us which makes this book a perfect pick for beginners or non-fiction lovers. All the chapters are of around 20 pages each which doesn’t get too exhaustive and you shall be able to create notes from each of them. Sunita starts every chapter explaining about the concern, then takes you through the root-cause of the same, what makes this root-cause occur, then she further elaborates on how it can be fought against to ensure you are able to follow the good practice and get away from bad habits. In her writing, you shall also realize multiple things that you have been doing wrongly without awareness.
As a self-help book, this is nicely written with many bullet points along with several quotes shared by the famous real-life personalities. Some of those quotes really made me read them thrice – in a positive way - to grasp the beautiful and inspiring essence behind it. The stories from Mahabharata on how Krishna took certain actions and the justification or explanation of the same is made because there are certain myths among readers about the character of Shri Krishna. I liked reading about these tales as I am a big devotee of the Lord Vishnu reincarnation. I liked how author didn’t end up getting in awe of the epic character but stayed focus on her subject.
Now talking about the drawbacks, when you see the reference of Krishna used so specifically on the cover page of the book and even in the title, you expect to learn a lot about him. Unfortunately, in the 20 chapters, you don’t even get to know 20 different tales of Krishna. The same tales are being repeated in almost every other chapter which started irritating me after a point. I started skipping those segments. On the other note, even the tales shared are the ones which are already known to people and except 1-2 tales, there are no such tale mentioned which could have added something more to my knowledge base.
Talking about the corporate and entrepreneurial qualities and their elaborations, even those points are something that you must have read in the management books in your graduation and post-graduation and doesn’t offer something more. If you are still in school, this book shall be very exciting for you but otherwise, it is just summarization of what you already know about management and Krishna.
Overall, this is a simple book which as per my reading experience, is strictly a fine attempt and not something which offers anything new. I give this book 2.5 stars out of 5.
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