Friday, August 17, 2012

What Young India Wants by Chetan Bhagat!!!

             The whole Indian movie viewers are mad about Record-breaking actor-Salman Khan's latest flick. Similarly, Indian readers are still busy in browsing, ordering and buying Chetan Bhagat's latest book "What Young India Wants". This is the first non-fictional attempt by the most famous Fiction-book author of India. Chetan Bhagat needs no introduction. Either he is in everyone's heart for his books or for 3 Idiots or as a punching bag for the so-called "intellectuals" or as someone who tries speaking on every possible topic and create awareness. Chetan Bhagat is surely the most entertaining author if not the best in India. With 5 bestselling novels, out of which two are being released as Bollywood movies and other 3 in process, Chetan Bhagat is one author whom everyone waits for. Even his fake haters who try to pose as intellectuals by abusing him on Social sites. I don't know why Chetan Bhagat didn't promote this book in the same way as he did with Revolution 2020. May be he is still nervous if people will accept him as a Non-fictional author talking about India in a very simplistic, easy language and parlance. 

              "What Young India Wants" is the collection of Chetan Bhagat's essays, speeches, columns and articles. Some are fresh pieces too. The book tries to ask us many questions. It asks us about what exactly do we want from our country. It asks what exactly are we doing for our nation being a citizen of it. It asks us what we really know about our country and how much effort we put in for knowing. How attached are we and how concerned are we as Indians. How capable are we and why still are we helpless. While answering and clarifying the jumbled situations of some of these questions, Chetan Bhagat gives some value and moral oriented solutions in his own unique style without targeting anyone. He has made it sure that he will not blame politicians every time in the book as this is what everyone does. He tries to give solutions by keeping politicians away from it. 

             The best part about "What Young India Wants" is that Chetan Bhagat has not tried to pose as an intellectual. He has remained what he is- Our favorite light-story writer- CHETAN BHAGAT whom we love for his humour and wit. He has maintained that throughout the book. The book is written in a language that it seems as if we are reading a fictional content itself. In many sentences, you'll find the essence of Chetan Bhagat's previous 5 books hence making you smile weirdly in loneliness. :-) The only part that I felt as an insecurity of the author was the initial pages where he tells his journey as an individual and as well as how he developed as an Indian. THAT I found little unwanted and meaningless. He should have avoided that. Being conscious because of some haters who never stop barking is what a debutante should do, not someone who is known in world as Most selling Indian Author. 

               Chetan Bhagat starts the book by talking about THE SOCIETY. He talks about Bhopal Gas Tragedy, German bakery blast, Airline crisis, various scams like CWG, 2G, IPL etc, terrorism and other national issues. He has tried to give solutions. Some are sensible while some are just mere articles which should be read and forgotten. :-) Then as the novel progresses, Chetan Bhagat starts talking about we, THE YOUTHS. How we can change the scenario around us if we take a resolution. This part is the best part of the book as I related with every sentence being the youth of the nation. "Spark" is an awesome chapter. Too motivating and life-changing. The chapter in which Chetan Bhagat tells why we should have good command over English language is too sensible. The letter to Bapu is exactly what every Indian talks in regard of Mahatma Gandhi's approach towards India and how we have let his idealistic down. "Where's my Nobel prize?" is one another masterpiece of the book. Lerds and Nerds description in a chapter made me laugh out loud. :-) The initial paragraph of the chapter in which Engineers are being joked off by terming them as Touchy Feely makes you excited for Chetan Bhagat's next as you find him back in form as Revolution 2020 was a disappointment. :-) In the end, "The Cut-offs" chapter is a very good eye-opener for the children as well as parents. 

             Examples given by the author makes the chapter more interesting. As everything is related in a very simple language, you might feel that it's you who have written the whole book. With every page, the book keeps on getting interesting. The quotes before the initialization of every chapter is a cool idea by the author. The chapters would have got more effect if Chetan Bhagat would have added statistics too. Else, I would love to see Chetan Bhagat writing fiction books every 2 years as he does with the series of "What Young India Wants" releasing every year. Yes!!! This is one writer whom youth definitely picks up. And hence they'll come to know about some facts of India if not all. I will recommend this book to all. This one is meant for reading once, for sure. This is not a very intense book about nation, but a very light read which will make you know about many factors that India is suffering with. GO FOR IT!!!





Anonymous said...



this post has been written specially for chetan bhagat.

like amartya sen , so is chetan bhagat!!

capt ajit vadakayil

Rahul said...

Hey guys this a quik review on my behalf !!!!!!!

This book is a great source of encouragement for all of us,one must read this book to see how proud we all feel about INDIA but at the same time this books shows us the points where we are behind the western countries and need serious young indians awake, rise and start doing things which will make our country more efficient with transparent ....because now country is goin on with pathetic condition .....hope fully will come up soon....were even india will will be counted as sophisticated and fully developed country .....and were no one will be there to finger on our country....!!!!

nothing much to say...on this regard !!!!!

And to all those who are giving bad reviews about this book, I am damn sure that they are somehow associated with the corruption in India ....!!!!

thank you guys!!!!

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